Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bird Feeder Squirrel Flipper & Buyers and Sellers

Yesterday, I was in the Essex Aggie Coop, and as always, stopped to watch the Bird Feeder Squirrel Flipper sales video. Rather than let the squirrel drop off a lightweight rubber pole, this top of the line model has a ring circling the feeder, which when a squirrel tries to get on it, flips it around the feeder, resulting in squirrel whiplash, motion sickness, and being flung off the feeder. This device really is "for the birds".

How many buyers and sellers in this market feel like that squirrel? Just when you think you have found the right buyer, or the right house, you find yourself on that outer ring being flung out of the market by the credit crunch, the economy, job security concerns, or the price of gas and food.
Here's another take on squirrels. To squirrel away means to hoard money or valuables. If you are saving your money, waiting for the house prices to drop further, here's my two cents. We cannot predict exactly where house prices will go in the next year. I'm looking closely at the interest rates. Are interest rates on loans likely to will stay as low as they are now? We bought our house in early '83, when interest rates were over 13%. Had we waited for the spring market, the rates were expected to rise and we would have not been able to buy this house.
It's amusing the watch the Squirrel Flipper video; it's not half so funny if you're the squirrel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! What a great analogy. So many squirrels out there think this market is "for the birds".

Patience, a good plan, and a great REALTOR are the best recipe for success...otherwise, you're just out there runnng around with "a bunch of nuts"!